Input Financing
FCC Input Financing is the simple and flexible way to free up your cash flow. You have 12 months to purchase fuel, fertilizer and crop protection, and up to 18 months to pay. Input financing is offered through local retailers allowing you to purchase and finance your inputs at the same time.
Get the time you need to market your crops and don't pay until March. Apply now

Easy. Flexible. Simple.
Extended payment schedule
Payments scheduled around your cash flow allowing you up to 18 months to pay. Plus, the flexibility to make a payment any time you want without penalty.
Manage your operation's cash flow
Match your operation's cash flow, allowing you to market your harvest at the best price possible before an annual payment is due. Purchases after September 1 are not due until March 15 of the following year. And you have the potential to roll fall advances into the next crop year.
One-stop shopping
Finance up to 100% of your input purchase with a dedicated loan tied to your local retailer. Anyone from your operation can pick up inputs and have payment made to your FCC Input loan with customized pre-approved lending limits.
Save time - apply online
Applying online for FCC Input Financing is the quick, easy and secure way to an approval. Just follow a few simple steps, and you’re done! Learn more
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