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Customer complaint process

We Want to Hear From You

We're committed to hearing your concerns and following up on them, and will acknowledge every complaint within 2 business days.

Step 1

Contact your FCC Relationship Manager or a representative at our Customer Service Centre (CSC) at 1-888-332-3301.

Step 2

If you feel your concerns weren't properly addressed in Step 1, ask to speak with the District Director or CSC Manager. They are authorized to resolve most issues.

Step 3

Some issues are more complex, so if you're unsatisfied after completing Step 1 and 2, you can direct your concerns to the FCC Complaint Officer at our corporate office in Regina, Saskatchewan. The officer will objectively review your case based on fairness, integrity, respect and FCC values.

Contact the FCC Complaint Officer at:

Email: complaint_officer@fcc.ca

Phone: 1-888-268-4950

FCC Complaint Officer
1800 Hamilton Street, P.O. Box 4320
Regina, SK S4P 4L3

All correspondence between you and FCC is confidential, and only the people who are actively working to resolve your concern will know the details. Personal information is protected under Canada's Privacy Act.

Customer complaint policy