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Public servants disclosure protection act

Pursuant to this Act, FCC has reported the following findings of employee wrongdoing:

2022-06 : A disclosure under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act was investigated by the Integrity Officer, resulting in founded wrongdoing by employees. The nature of the wrongdoing was: (i) serious breach of the Code of Conduct and, for one employee, also (ii) knowingly directing or counselling a person to commit a wrongdoing. The employees followed a business process and improperly created lending applications in systems. Disciplinary action was taken.

2021-22 : On June 8, 2021, FCC Integrity Officer and Senior Officer for Internal Disclosures received a disclosure alleging wrongdoing under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA) committed by an employee of FCC. An investigation was conducted which found (i) gross mismanagement in the public sector; and (ii) serious breach of a Code of Conduct under the PSDPA. The employee was found to have repeatedly violated policies and procedures related to approval of lending activities; serious irregularities were found in lending approvals made by the employee and supporting documentation was inadequate, inaccurate or missing. The employee resigned while disciplinary actions were taken against him/her.

2013-14 : An internal disclosure of wrongdoing was investigated by the Integrity Officer. Wrongdoing by employees was found to have taken place. The nature of the wrongdoing was, in each case, the serious breach of the FCC Code of Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) namely:  that on more than one occasion the employees in question did take steps, and/or direct steps to be taken, and/or knowingly turn a blind eye to such steps being taken so as to artificially inflate lending results for the express purpose of increasing personal monetary performance rewards, contrary to corporate policy/process/procedure and the Code.  Disciplinary action was taken.