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Contact us

Event speakers

We have employees from many areas of the industry available for presentations and public speaking engagements across Canada. For any questions or additional information about FCC Speakers, email industry relations at comarketing@fcc-fac.ca.


Expertise on the value of digital farm management solutions for record-keeping at every stage to save time, stay organized, and manage farm data with confidence.

Bryan Prystupa

Senior Product Owner

Darcy Herauf

Director, FCC AgExpert


Expertise on trade and Canadian agriculture and food in the global marketplace. 

Desmond Sobool

Director, Economics and Deputy Chief Economist

Justin Shepherd

Senior Economist

Graeme Crosbie

Senior Economist

Krishen Rangasamy

Manager, Economics, Principal Economist

Jean-Philippe (J.P.) Gervais

Executive Vice President, Strategy and Impact and Chief Economist

Leigh Anderson

Senior Economist

Future of Canadian Agriculture and Food

Insights into the opportunities and threats in the agri-food sector including subjects like technology, disruptors, careers, public trust, and consumer trends and their impacts on the agri-food industry. 

Darlene McBain

Director, Industry Relations

Indigenous Relations

Insight on the latest economic developments, diversity and inclusion initiatives and careers for Indigenous peoples in agriculture. 

Bernard Gilbert

Senior Relationship Manager, Indigenous Financing

Nicholas Boucher

Relationship Manager, Indigenous Financing

Milton Greyeyes

Senior Relationship Manager, Indigenous Financing

Shaun Soonias

Vice-President, Indigenous Relations

Monica James

Senior Director, Indigenous Financing

Tatum Claypool

Senior Relationship Manager, Indigenous Financing


Ideas and inspiration about mental health, personal growth and best business practices to build confidence and develop leadership skills. 

Candace Hill

Manager, Brand Planning and Advertising Services