FCC Community Funding
FCC Community Funding is one way we help enhance communities where our employees and customers work and live. Eligible organizations can apply for up to $10,000 in FCC Community Funding annually and applications are accepted year-round. Partial funding may also be offered.
Who can apply?
Registered charities with the Canada Revenue Agency or non-profit organizations
First Nations, Inuit or Métis governments/communities
Towns, cities or rural municipalities
Eligible for funding
Initiatives, projects or capital purchases focused on:
Food security: organizations or programs addressing issues around food insecurity
Well-being: supporting the physical or mental health of those working in the Canadian food system
Education and food literacy: education for people about agriculture and food; creating understanding of production practices and careers in the industry
Public trust in agriculture and food: promoting the Canadian food system
Community enhancements: making a difference where our employees and customers live and work
Not eligible for funding
Religious groups or social organizations who advocate a religious, social, moral, political or economic point of view
Political groups or organizations directed by an elected federal official
For-profit entities
Operating costs or debt reduction
Daycares, private schools and pre-schools
Projects or initiatives that adversely impact the environment
Funds for a charity through private foundations or third parties (for example, Lions Clubs, Knights of Columbus, etc.)
Organizations from outside of Canada
Sporting events, teams, equipment
4H clubs apply for funding through FCC 4H Club Funding - 4-H Canada
FCC is committed to continual improvement in Indigenous relations and to working across cultures.